Hi everyone! I'm super excited because i changed my blog theme. I'm bored with my old one and not really a vintage fan which love flowers everywhere so I changed it with watercolor design. You can check here
Now I give you a review about a lip balm from The Saem. This is my first product from this brand. I got it from the latest giveaway that I've won. Lip balm is one of makeup that i love so much and I can't leave the day without it. When I got it, i was really excited because I usually wear a clear lip balm, but now i have opportunity to try one which has color.
Inhale, exhale.. OK! Let's start the review!

10 g
Moisturizing and smooth texture with light touch without burden for dry lips every day.
Offers moisture and nourishment lips.
Sweet and pleasant cake scent delivered from lips.
Contains a small of tint to create natural and vivid lips
Apply a moderate amount whenever you feel dryness on lips.
For bolder color, re-apply several times to lips
For no.01 color, you may apply all over, but recommended to creat sweet chocolate lip with gradation
Made In Korea
Moisturizing and smooth texture with light touch without burden for dry lips every day.
Offers moisture and nourishment lips.
Sweet and pleasant cake scent delivered from lips.
Contains a small of tint to create natural and vivid lips
Apply a moderate amount whenever you feel dryness on lips.
For bolder color, re-apply several times to lips
For no.01 color, you may apply all over, but recommended to creat sweet chocolate lip with gradation
Made In Korea

The packaging is made from metal. It's really cute with pink color and strawberry cake image. Korean's brands really know how to attract the girls. There are details at the back. I don't understand Hangul, but i can see the bar codes, production date, the official website and a symbol that represents that this product can be used for 12 months after opened. It doesn't come with brush, so you have to use your finger. Really unhygienic. So make sure your finger is clean.

#1 Chocolate
#2 Cherrry
#3 Peach
#4 Strawberry
#1 Chocolate
#2 Cherrry
#3 Peach
#4 Strawberry
Taraa!! G-Dragon from Bigbang is one of its models. I love him so much because I'm a VIP (Bigbang's fandom). KYAAAA!!!! I'm desperate for waiting their comeback. Oh please give us something awesome more than FANTASTIC BABY !! Ohh okay let's back to the review
No 4 in strawberry is mine. The color is sheer pink. It smells like strawberry cake but doesn't have any taste. This balm is very moisturizing and travel-friendly. Always keep in nice temperature to prevent from melting.

- cute packaging
- very moisturizing
- no taste
- nice scent
- travel friendly
- not greasy
- still leaves the color after you eat or drink

- Has a thin color
- The lid keeps spinning when you close it too rough
- Unhygienic
- It is hard to find.
What I love is the color lip balm can boost your lipstick color too. For packaging, it's really cute but I prefer stick than a jar type. The stick type is more hygienic. One thing that I hate is the lid keep spinning when I tried to close it. I wondered what was wrong with the lid. It was damaged or I tried too strong, so I turned slowly until it closed completely. That was really annoying. The color is not show that vivid as I thought too. It is really hard to show but you still get a plumpy effect. You can see my swatches picture.
This product is okay for you that want a cute packaging and moisturizing product. But if you are looking for a hygienic and vivid color balm, I would say go for the other products. If you ask me will I buy this product myself, I'll say maybe. I'm not really fans of this lip balm type, but the chocolate color makes me curious.
Have you ever tried it? What is your most love lip balm?
Thank you for reading. See you on next post ^^
Aku jg VIP ^^ pingin coba ya nomer 1 deh kyk nya warnanya bagus... Nice review ^^
BalasHapusI'm newbie here, please kindly to visit my blog redvelvet25.blogspot.com
Thank you :)
Iya no 1 warnanya cakep. Aku harap yang no 1 warnanya lebih keluar
HapusHai..!! Seneng banget punya teman VIP baru. nyari temen VIP susahnya bukan main XD
Thanks udah mampir ya..
I'm also vip...wanna buy the saem products but it's hard to find on online shop which has complete collections.
BalasHapustrs km beli dimana ini??? harganya???
Hai yozora. Salam kenal buat sesama VIP ^^
Hapuskebetulan ini aku dapet dari giveaway.. Aku sendiri juga nyari ols yang jual the saem tapi ga nemu. Sorry ga bisa bantu dear.. Kalau aku search di w2beauty sih harganya USD 9.62
Thank for visiting ^^
yang chocolate bagus warnanya. temen kemarin beli yang warna itu. warnanya merah tapi g norak jatuhnya dibibir. aq suka minta punya dia. warnanya bagus bgt yg coklat~
BalasHapusWah bagus ya? jadi penasaran.. :D
HapusMakasih sudah mampir ya ^^
suka sama kemasannya girly dan cute yaa... untuk di pakai di kantor untuk lembabin bibir yang kering karna puasa sangat bermanfaat ini hihiihi
Yep yep cute banget. Tapi baunya menggoda banget loh ini, jangan sampe batal yah puasanya hihihi