There are so many concealer brushes from various brands and various price range. But looking for the quality, I tell you the concealer brush from Masami Shouko is a recommended option. I have concealer brush from another brand (here), but this is the best concealer brush that I love so much.

Length: 14CM
Color: Silver Black
Material: Synthetic bristles
"Kuas sintesis 3 warna dengan ujung meruncing untuk aplikasi yang tepat di daerah yang sulit juga ideal untuk dibawah mata dan untuk membaur semua jenis formula concealer."
"Kuas sintesis 3 warna dengan ujung meruncing untuk aplikasi yang tepat di daerah yang sulit juga ideal untuk dibawah mata dan untuk membaur semua jenis formula concealer."
"The synthetic brush in 3 colors bristles with a pointed tip to precise applications in the difficult areas. It is ideal for under eye and blending all kind of the concealer formula."
Kay Collection Stores
(shipping around Indonesia. But I'm not sure Masami Shouko can shipped outside Indonesia or not)
(shipping around Indonesia. But I'm not sure Masami Shouko can shipped outside Indonesia or not)
Here are the differences between standard and professional brush

Standard: 14 cm
Professional: 18 cm
Standard: silver black
Professional: black

I bought the standard one. It is sleek, light weight and looks professional. The brush has a silver and black color. It reminds me with Sigma's design. The standard type has the ideal length for me. Masami Shouko also has the professional type which is longer. It's up to costumers which one they will choose. This brush has synthetic bristles, but it is very soft and has no scent. It does not make my sensitive skin itch and has large dimension so it can spread concealer well. I've been washed it for a lot of times and the bristles do not fall out at all and still in a good condition. Good job Masami Shouko. Two thumbs up for them.

- has soft bristles
- the bristles don't fall out
- spread the concealer well
- has a professional design
- no scent
- no itchy feeling
- light weight
- easy to find at stores and online

This is my favorite concealer brush I ever had. Actually I don't have any regrets with this brush. Really. It has a great quality. Honestly, I was a bit disappointed about the price. It costs IDR 25.900 when I bought this last year at Galaxy Mall Surabaya. Few days ago I checked the price at their online store and I was surprised. Now it costs IDR 42.900. Gosh!! The dollar exchange is totally crazy this days. However, I think it's still affordable.
This product is worth because of its quality. I highly recommend this for you who search for a concealer brush with good quality and reasonable price.
Have you ever tried this? What is your favorite concealer brush?
Aku juga pake ini, my favorite brush too!
Halo Esy, Masami Shouko emang layak banget dijadiin brush favorit yah ^^
BalasHapusMakasih udah mampir dear :)
ini juga kuas andalan saya banget ;)
BalasHapusBetul banget! Thank for reading yah :)
HapusHai haiiii.. Aku lagi cari brush untuk concealer juga nihhh.. Inilah ngeselinnya yahhhh semua Masami udh naik harganya.. Dulu yang ga sampe 30rb sekarang udah 40 something.. huhuhuuu... Better langsung beli yg seri professionalnya ya... Thanks for sharing yaaa... Salam kenal...
BalasHapusMonggo mampirrrr hihihiii..
Iya ngeselin banget. Salam kenal juga.. Nanti aku mampir ^^
HapusI have never heard of this brand but the brush does look like it is very good quality :) x
BalasHapusBrenda BusyBee
This brush is worth it. Thank for coming dear :)