Recently, I got a new job as an Architect. Yeah, it is a job which needs a high totality and time to do. Move from a full-time blogger into a part-time blogger is kinda hard. There are many changes. I can't freely use my time to blog. At first, I struggled with it. Really, sometimes I got frustrated. Fortunately, I have many tips to maintain my blog and wanna share with you who get the same problems. Here are my tips
Sometimes when we focus on our job, we forget to write. This is a serious point here. If you want to maintain your blog, you have to keep write. At least give your blog an update once per week. Personally, I make a draft when I'm in the office. I write in the morning because many fresh ideas appear. Wherever you are, save a little time to write. You can bring a notebook if you are far from your computer.
I usually take pictures in natural light. When I got my day off, I always try to take some blog pictures as many as possible. I take pictures for some stuff or products in one day. It's more efficient. Who knows what will happen on your day off. Maybe your family or friends ask you to hang out or go somewhere. So I don't have to worry for running out the topics because I already had a bunch of pictures.
Try to maintain your blogging network although you can't publish a post. I try to comment on other blogger's posts and reply my blog's comments when I have a little time to do. I join many blog communities and blog linkups too. Although I only publish 1 post per week, my page views keep increase.
Blog 101
I always keep a notebook and pen in my purse. Any time I am waiting somewhere, stuck in traffic, sitting at my desk...I try to jot down a few ideas. Either post ideas, or a few blurbs for a topic I've already picked out, or steps to a tutorial I'm writing. I always have a place to write down whatever pops in my head, wherever I am.
BalasHapusSometimes I get in the writing mood and write several posts at once while I've got the time. I'll schedule the posts to appear every few days on my blog, and go ahead and schedule social media posts to promote it. So even if I don't get a chance to get on for a week, my next week's stuff is already done. It really helps me keep things going, and I try to stay a week or two ahead so when I get really busy it's easier to catch up.
Thank for sharing dear. Notebook is the most important stuff for blogger :)
HapusSamaaa! Aku juga kalau ngambil foto yang banyak dihari yg sama.
BalasHapusSip sip! Makasih udah mampir say :)
HapusThanks for sharing! Its really helpful! I agree as well on #2. Even though after busy week of work, i tend to enjoy my time to myself as much. But Im trying to keep up with my blog life!
You're welcome dear :)
HapusSo true! Love this post. Bener bgt nih aku juga kalo lagi libur bikin draft sama foto2 yg banyak hehe :)
Cuma kalo foto-foto FOTD or makeup tutorial yang agak kewalahan kalo dalam sehari. Hihi
HapusI agree with your tips :) being a part-time blogger needs a good time management skill and the way you use your limited time for doing useful things, especially gather blog material.
BalasHapusGood luck with your job :)
Thank you Noniq :)
Hapusnice tips gadis! aku juga biasanya ambil foto sekaligus...dan biasanya pas hari libur juga :D yang paling males kalo udah suruh nulisnya....sering nya nge blank :D
BalasHapusBener banget tuh Mel. Aku juga males banget nulis. Hihihi :P
Hapusbagus postingannya, hehehe bisa jadi acuan buat nulis, heheh maklum aku masih baru 3 bulan jadi blogger
Ahh semangat ya say.. Good luck buat blogmu :)
Hapusvery inspiring :)
BalasHapusI hope this helpful. Thank for stopping by :)
You're welcome ^^
Hapusnice tips, pretty!
Thanks, I hope it's helpful ^^
HapusThanks for this useful tips
BalasHapusI put on practice all the tips for my blog
I'm glad this tips can help you. Good luck with your blog ^^
HapusBeen doing these for quite a while now. I always write or take photos whenever there's a chance. Thanks for sharing! :)
BalasHapusYou're welcome dear ^^
HapusHi, dear!
BalasHapusThjank you for visiting my blog)
I really love your posts. it's so important to write and share)
You're welcome dear. Thank for visiting mine :)
HapusAduh gadis, hahaha baca ini jadi kayak kegampar sendiri... sebenernya definisi sibuk kan beda-beda ya, you with your new job dan kalo aku sendiri yang ibu rumah tangga aja masih nganggep dirinya sibuk (padahal ga ada kerjaan deadline) , thank you tips2 nya yah... sepertinya management waktu harus mulai diterapkan nih...btw congrats for your new job.
BalasHapusMakasih kak Cath, semangat sama blognya yah ^^
HapusCongratulations for your new job!!
BalasHapusAku buat blog dua tahun yang lalu dan sempet gak aktif, sekarang baru coba untuk aktif lagi. Terhenti karena baru masuk kuliah dan jadwalnya super padet jadi gak bisa meluangkan waktu untuk blogging :"
Terima kasih buat tipsnya ya, menginspirasi aku buat tetep lanjut blogging :)
Makasih Rani. Aku dulu hampir vakum juga loh, malah terpikir untuk berhenti. Semangat blogging lagi yah :)
HapusThank for your dropping by my blog and for sharing useful tips like this for us, bloggers! Keep rocking and writing, gal! :)
BalasHapusThank you for visiting me back too ^^
Hapussuch a useful tips ^^ I love your blog <3
BalasHapusxoxo, Syarah
Makasih udah mampir Sya ^^
HapusGreat tips and all very true :) x
Thank you for stopping by, Brenda ^^
HapusThanks for the tips! Very useful since my school's gonna start next month.
I'm glad this post can help you.. Enjoy uour school!
HapusAku yang #1 hehe.
BalasHapuskalau mendadak dapat inspirasi ,corat-coret konsep dulu di notebook(entar lupa + bukunya mesti yg unyu x_x) terus di draft-in banyak2 lalu terakhir foto mana foto :D
Thank's for share ^^
Corat coret konsep tapi jangan lupa dipublish ya say. Hope this helpful ^^
HapusThanks for really useful tips. I'm trying to make posts at my free time but sometimes I'm just to tired after work.
Me too dear. Sometimes I just want to stay on my bed. Thank for stopping by and hope this helpful ^^
HapusReally helpful post! I have a pretty demanding job that has really cut into my blogging time and these 3 tips are so point! Thank you!
BalasHapusxx Amanda
You're welcome. Good luck with your job and your blogging dear :)
Hapusvery useful... thanks for sharing :)
BalasHapusI hope these tips are helpful. Thank for stopping by dear ^^