24 Okt 2015

How To Clean BB Cushion Sponge

Hello, my readers. BB Cushion is popular now. Do you have or try BB Cushion? Do you ever think that clean the bb cushion sponge or called "air puff" is annoying? Cleansing air puffs is the hardest thing to be cleaned for me. I ever heard recommendation about "throw your dirty air puff away and buy a new one". I'm a selective buyer. I don't spend my money to buy something that I don't really need. The sponge cleanser is not cheap. Buy a new air puff is not worth too. I buy a new puff if my old one ripped only. I prefer to spend my money for makeup or skincare products than buy a sponge cleanser.

I have tried to clean my air puffs with cleansing oil, baby oil, shampoo, makeup remover, and my everyday facial foam. But they did nothing. The worst thing to try is baby oil. It makes my air puffs look dull on very oily. No! I don't recommend to use it! So does the cleansing oil. It looks dull at first and after wash for several times it seems clean. When I pressed it, the waste of bb cream is still there. I got frustrated then I use this.

Yes, It's bar soap. Don't laugh. It works the best than anything! If you hesitate to try, use bar soap with antibacterial like mine. For your information, I have sensitive skin. I have allergic with specific soap. My doctor said that I can't use bar soap except with antiseptic inside. So believe me. It's a body bar soap but safe to use this as air puff cleanser.

Now I explain how I clean my air puff with this bar soap.

   1    Put air puffs in water and soak them. I use water in normal temperature.

   2    Leave it for 10 minutes.

   3    Cleanse the air puff with bar soap.

   4    Pressed until the waste is out. Don't squeeze because it can rip your air puff

   5    Rinse with water.

   6    Do several times until the air puff clean.
The clean air puff (left) and dirty puff (right) 
   7    Hang up in a dry place

Usually, I wash 3 times until it perfectly clean. Personally, I use bar soap alone. If you want to make sure it won't irritate your skin, wash the air puff again. Use your facial foam, face bar soap, or spray with alcohol after it dried. Remember, use a separate bar soap for sponge cleanser and body. It's cheap and simple to do. I don't have to spend a lot of money for this because the bar soap costs under $1 (IDK 5000). Don't let your air puffs dirty. Clean them is worth than buying a new one.

Have you ever try to clean your BB Cushion sponge with the bar soap too? Let me know how you clean it. I hope this post is helpful. See you on my next post

14 komentar:

  1. just in time when i need to wash my sponge!!!
    thanks for the trick, will definitely try it out :)

  2. I also use regular bar soap with anti-bacterial properties and it's the one that works best for me too!

    CJ | From Manila with Love: Beauty, Life & Feminism

    1. Oh yeah! We save our money with a great and cheap bar soap! :D
      Thank for stopping by, dear ^^

  3. Nice tips !
    It's really good idea .. like life hacks wkwkwkkw


    1. Ahaha Lol. A bar soap can save your life :D
      Thank for stopping by, dear ^^

  4. Brilliant! I kind of always thought these were un-cleanable.

    1. You should try this trick dear. The bar soap can change your perception about "un-cleanable" air puff ^^

  5. wah keren nih dicoba xD

  6. tips nya kece! sayang aku baru tau sekarang, sponge cushion yang lama udah keburu dibuang duluan :(

    1. Aduh sayang sekali.. Semoga tipsku bisa bantu ya, jadi bisa ngirit duit buat beli sponge hehe :P

  7. Oh bisa ya pake detol? Punyaku belum pernah dicuci *jorokkk*. Makasih tipsnya, nanti mau dicoba ^^



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