Hi, my readers. Now I want to share about the aloe gel which is popular these days. There are many aloe gel products from different brands. I wonder why this kind of product is very popular. Actually, I want to try the Nature Republic which is the famous one. But The Saem one is cheaper. I buy this product from my blogger fellas, Diandra. Thank you, hun! So I don't have to do pre-order.
300 ml
3,300 KRW
It comes with a plastic jar and seal (I ripped the seal off before I took pictures). It says "99%" of Aloe and the picture of Aloe Vera. I love the label design. There is the description on the back in Hangul and English. Yay! I found some numbers on it. I don't know, maybe it is the expired date. It comes with a plastic divider to prevent from leaks out. The packaging is kinda bulky. I always scoop amount of it into a small container when travelling.
It comes in clear gel with a refreshing scent. I love this picture because it looks very refreshing. It is refreshing my heart too. Haha. It's melting when I apply it on my face. I usually keep it on the refrigerator. I love to wear the cold product on my face.
- Affordable
- No breakouts
- refreshing
- cooling
- multi-function
- Not really moisturize my dry skin
- Not travel-friendly
- It has to buy online if there is no The Saem's counter in your town
- Unhygienic
It is nice that this product doesn't give me breakouts and calms my irritation. But it does not really moisturise my dry skin. Maybe I should try products in cream form. I really love the cooling sensation. This aloe gel is worth to try. Affordable price with a lot of products. If this product was empty, maybe I will repurchase again.
Have you tried this aloe gel too? What do you think about this product? Please feel free to comment, I will glad to reply. See you on next post ^^
Moisturizer, Review, The Saem
wah.... aku dari dulu juga pakai ini malah dari masih 95% dan sekarng udah 99 % karena enak banget dan ngeracunin keluarga untuk pakai ini hehehehe . Picturenya bagus hehehe aku jadi terinspirasi karean kamu
Mamaku juga ikutan pake ini loh Put hehe..
HapusSeneng deh bisa menginspirasi kamu :D
did you bring this traveling with you as well? :O
BalasHapustoo bad ya gak terlalu moisturizing...
JESSIE | Beauty Appetite
Of course not Kak Jes. Aku mesti mindahin dulu ke wadah yang lebih kecil. Aku biasanya pake wadah soft lens. Bawa seperlunya aja. Males bawa berat-berat. Dikira bawa bom lagi. Haha :D
HapusIya emang kurang moisturizing, apa kulitku yang keringnya bener-bener super? :3
Hai Gadis, aku juga pakai produk semacem gini tapi dari produk wardah loh, tadinya mau beli ini cuma di pikir-pikir pengen cepet dipake. produk kaya gini nih yang awet banget hihi. nanti kalo wardah aku abis mau ganti ini ah :D
Halo Nisa ^^
HapusLoh, Wardah punya ya? Tapi aku ga cocok pake wardah sih. Hehe
Cobain ini say, lama abisnya :D
duh sejuk banget liat foto gel nya ya serasa mau nyemplung aja #eh
BalasHapusEmang sejuk banget say. Panas-panas pake gel ini rasanya cless :D
HapusThank you for the review! I've tried the Nature Republic one and I'm not sure how it compares to this one but I would say it has the same CONs. I love how aloe vera gel helps calm my skin after being out in the sun and I agree with you, it's amazing when kept in the refridgerater - very cool and fresh ^^
I never tried the Nature Republic one by myself, but I think the Saem is much worth to try because it's cheaper. Thank for stopping by, Chrissie ^^
Hapusitu berarti belinya harga berapa ya dalam rupiah? ga ada alkoholnya kan ya? terimakasih..
BalasHapusAku waktu beli harganya 65ribu. Gatau sekarang harganya berapa.. Di ingredientsnya ga ada alkoholnya sih.
Hapusmakasih sudah mampir ya :)
wah, murah yaa,, bisa minta linknya si Diandra temennya yg jual ga? makasih..
BalasHapusAku suka blognya, tampilannya rapih, bersih, gambarnya clear, bahasnya juga bagus, seneng kalau liat beuty blogger Indonesia yg tampilan blognya bagus kayak gini :)
Kayaknya dia ga ada stock the saem ini lagi sih, tapi coba aja tanya. Linknya Diandra bisa di liat di komen paling atas ya. Anaknya ikut komen disini :)
HapusWah, makasih banget ya udah suka sama blogku. Sering-sering mampir ya :D
Aaaaahh aku juga mau coba kalo Sophie Paris Aloe Soothing Gel aku udah habis. Seger banget Gadis lihat fotonya :D
BalasHapusIkutan mini giveaway aku yaa ;) | Tips Cantik Manda Mini Giveaway
Amanda writer of www.TipsCantikManda.com
Ehh Sophie Paris juga punya Aloe Gel yaa? Kmu berasa pengen berenang-renang di aloe gel ga sih liat foto itu? Hihihi.
HapusAhh tentuu, nanti aku join yaah :D
aku juga pakai tapi yg versi pasarannya yang nature republic punya.. mau pesen yg dari siholika-holika lucu banget packagingnya ada versi kecilnya juga buat dibawa-bawa pergi.
BalasHapusHolika Holika juga punya ya ternyata? Menurutku emang lebih enak versi kecil sih. Terutama buat yang ga suka ribet :P