Hello, my readers! I'm going to share you about one of the highly requested Korean product to be reviewed from my Birthday Haul post. I want to say sorry first to you who requested this review because I just upload it today. I took the pictures since a long time ago, but I wrote the draft these days. Neomu jesonghamnida~~~
I have focused on my eyebrows lately. I found this product on sale in Koreadepart and purchased it via Female Daily Market Plaza. This is my first time trying the eyebrow marker. I need it for my morning routine which needs a quick makeup and drawing the eyebrows is the trickiest and the longest thing to do. Do you experience the same thing too? Lol. Okay, let me share you my thoughts about this product.
- Dark Brown (The shade that I tried)
- Medium Brown
- Light Brown

The design is simple and sleek. The packaging is made of plastic material in black and brown color on one side. This product has the same diameter like my Maybelline Magnum Volum Express Mascara. It doesn't come with plastic wrapper or box. But it has a sticker seal to show that the product is brand new. Both of the body and the applicator slightly looks like a white board marker. Please don't put it in your pen case. LOL. I noticed that I can't find the expired or the manufactured date. Did I miss it? Or is it definitely not written there? Please tell me if you find it.
About the scent, I didn't smell anything when applied it on my brows. It smelled only when I hold it next to my nose. It smells like a pen marker. However, it is still acceptable.
As you can see in the picture above, it's not really waterproof. For smudge proof test, it will fade a bit. But it's not smudging like the pencil eyebrow does.
- Affordable. I bought it for IDR 45.000
- Easy to use
- Has a natural color
- Delivers an intense color
- Simple packaging
- Hard to make a precise line
- Not waterproof
- Not very long lasting
- Only 3 color ranges available
- Hard to find. It can be purchased online only (for international customer)
- Hard to find. It can be purchased online only (for international customer)
I don't really love or hate this product. Yes, It can use quickly. The color comes naturally in one stroke. But sometimes it gives too intense color depending on how many swatches I applied. So I use a spoolie when I feel the color is too much. I draw the tip first and create gradation to forward. I love how it can fill my brows so fast and natural. The bad thing is, it is difficult to make a precise line because the applicator is not pointed. My eyebrows are not neatly trimmed and I often get trouble to create the pointed brows with this marker. I put brown eyeshadow above the marker to fix the and create the precise line. Furthermore, the marker will work as the base color and make my eyebrows color stand out. I think this product is not for bold and precise brows addict.
Considering the price and application, this product is worth to try. I recommend this product to you who love a natural, easy and fast eyebrow product. It's easy to use even for the beginner. If you hesitate of the not pointed tip applicator, I heard A'PIEU has released the new version of this product with a pointed one. You better go with that.
What do you think about this eyebrow marker? Have you tried it? If you haven't tried eyebrow marker before, would you try this product? Please feel free to drop your opinions in the comment section below. Thank for reading and see ya! ^^
packagingnya endut gitu yah XD haha ini kayak spidol gitu jadinya?
BalasHapusIya endut mirip spidol white board. Tapi masih masuk makeup pouch kok :P
Hapuswah harganya lumayan murah ya..warnanya juga bagus keliatan natural~ coba yang punya etude dis, namanya eyebrow tint kalau ga salah, ujungnya lebih runcing jadi kalau mau gambar alis yang agak garang / runcing gitu lebih oke hehehe
BalasHapusOhh iya iya, aku pernah nge-swatch di counter. Tapi kecil banget sha, meliuk-liuk lagi aplikatornya seingetku. Jadi takut wkwkwk. Lagian harganya 2-3 kali lipat si APIEU XD
Hapushasilnya natural banget ya, coba yang it's skin sis juga natural dan lebih murah skitaran 35 rb
Haii Margaretha.. It's skin bentuknya spidol juga?
HapusThanks udah mampir ya ^^