Hi, my readers! Last Saturday I attended a blogger event that held by Misslyn at Tunjungan Plaza Surabaya, Indonesia. I got the official Misslyn Event invitation email from Rachel as Corporate Marketing Communication of Media Multiwangi Group. Yay! I was so excited!
The event was held on March, 19th 2016. I came at 01.15 PM. I'd waited until about 01.30 PM, but no one was there. Finally, I saw Ce Mindy and Ce Sabsab minutes later. Then we walked to the room where the event will be held and meet Devita. She arrived first and she was the only one there. I thought I was late. Lol. We asked to register first before entering the room.
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There are 2 long tables with 6 chairs each. They decorated the room beautifully in Shabby Chic theme I guess. |
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Look at the display. Really cute and beautiful! |
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There were cakes, traditional snacks and puddings. |
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Many cakes and bottles of water for us. |
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Oh, my Goodness. I love the decoration! |
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Cakes, Chocolates, puddings and drinks.
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Really cute! Can I have those all? |
This is the makeup counter. Actually, I never tried any of Misslyn products. We tried everything on it. I think every girl who sees a ton of makeup display would do the same thing. The color range is huge and beautiful. I fell in love with their eyebrow pencil and blusher.
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Candid of bloggers who came. Not all of them taken because many were beside me and the others were late. |
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There are two boxes of makeup were prepared. I guess there would be something fun. |
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Anna (left) gave us the presentation after Rachel (right) opened the event. |
For you who haven’t know or hear Misslyn brand before (including me), they gave us their profile. I just know that Misslyn and Kanebo are in the same company.
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These are Misslyn products . The price is very affordable. Hey, I have wishlists of their product there! |

They gave us tips how to choose makeup color for each skin tone as mood therapy and the colors psychology. Like their event theme "Color Therapy".
We challenged to do makeup with Misslyn product on a face chart. The atmosphere was changed immediately. We had not any preparations before. We were familiar to do makeup on faces, but never tried on paper sketch. Lol.
My mood was kinda calm that moment. So I was coloring my face chart with soft brown eyeshadow, peach blusher and soft red lips. The product is very pigmented when applied to the skin. But it was hard to show up on paper. Doing makeup on the sketch is not easy as I imagined. It was tricky, but we had so much fun.
The winner of the challenge was Dyta (left), Jessica (middle) and Wulan (right). They got Misslyn voucher amount IDN 100.000 . Congratulations girls! I have to practice more.
Tried to take a selfie! I had projector's spotlight on my face. I chose the wrong seat. It was not a perfect selfie but I love my pose in this picture. Lol.
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Wefie with Dyta |
Met new friends there. Nice to meet you Vani (left) and Jessica (right). They are so humble and nice. Welcome to the group! I hope I can see you again next time. And I hadn't introduced myself to many bloggers who I never met before. Ce Lina, Shasha and Wulan.. Nice to meet you, girls. ^^
We went to Misslyn counter. We exchanged our voucher inside the goodie bag and took pictures in the photo booth. This picture credits by Vani.
Rather took a picture alone, Vani, Dyta and I decided to do it together. We took polaroid pictures for many times because each of us wanted to have the picture of ours.
These are what I got from Misslyn's goodie bag. I got an eyeshadow, a lipstick and a nail polish. I also got the voucher amount IDN 50.000. I use the voucher to get an eyebrow pencil and a nude nail polish. I will show them on my Haul Post.
I was glad to be invited and attended Misslyn "Color Therapy" Blogger Gathering. I was happy to meet friends and got new ones there. I love the event, the decoration and the snacks. Oh, I love the drink the most. I took 2 glasses of it. Hehe. The goodie bag is fantastic too! I love how Misslyn packed the makeup goodies in a decorative mason jar. I can't wait to try them all. I had so much fun that day! Thank you Misslyn Indonesia for gathering and treating us very well :D
You can check Misslyn Indonesia's website and social medias to know more about their product.
Facebook : Misslyn Indonesia
Twitter : @MisslynID
Instagram : MisslynID
Seru ya gatheringnya. Dekornya juga cantik. Apalagi beauty blogger, aduuh minder deh saya kalau ketemu.
BalasHapusKalau udah ngobrol-ngobrol mindernya ilang kok mba Ety. Lagian kita punya hobi sama, jadi ga perlu minder. Hehe.
HapusMakasih udah mampir yaa ^^
eh kita sama2 surabaya ya jeng.... tapi krn saya nggak beauty eh maksudnya bukan beauty blogger dan gak bisa di suruh nulis ttg kecantikan hehehe.... jadi jarang ketemu ya?
BalasHapusbening-bening semuaaaa....
Wah ternyata mba Avy di Surabaya juga.. mba blogger apa? Boleh kok drop link blognya disini, biar aku bisa mampir. Hehe
HapusMba Avy.....kita kan emak2 benjeet, yang di sini mah beni ng2 semuanya hihi.
HapusSalam kenal sai ^^
Akaka beauyy bloggernya juga ada yang emak2 kok. Tapi kalo udah suka sama dunia beauty ya lanjutt XD
HapusSalam kenal ya mbak Dwi, makasih udah mampir ^^
potonya cantik2 dan kereen abiss..
BalasHapussalam kenal mbaa
Salam kenal juga mba Nchie.. Makasih udah mampir yaa ^^
HapusNice to meet u too Gadis, baru baca blog post kamu nihh.. Mampir2 yah ke blog aku^^
HapusHai haii Vani. Nanti aku maen ke blog kamu yahh :D
HapusGemesiiiin banget sih event ini. apalagi pas warnai gambar muka pakai makeup. trs goodie bag yaa kok jar gini....
BalasHapusaku gemeees sendiri. di tunggu next postingan ya.
Goodie bag, dekor, dessertnya, semuanya emang gemesin!
HapusSiap, ditunggu ya ^^
Seru ya di sana sering gathering gitu. Di sumatra belum banyak event kayak gitu :( mudah2an soon bisa.
BalasHapusBtw nice english, enak di bacanya ka. ^^
Iya sering. Tapi ini private gathering pertama aku. Jadi aku amazed sama acaranya. Semoga disana makin sering yaa :)
HapusWah, makasih ya. Aku masih belajar inggris yang baik dan benar kok. Hihi ^^
Wah seru ya kayaknya ^^
BalasHapusSayangnya ngga bisa dateng xD
Iya Jes banyak yang ga bisa datang juga waktu itu. Padahal seru banget ^^