I'm collecting many eyebrow products recently. After tried eyebrow marker like APIEU Harutatoo Brow, I want to try the eyebrow product in pencil form. I was looking for the one with no red hint. Actually, I want to buy Silky Girl eyebrow pencil, but it was out of stock. I don't have any reference what product should I choose if I can't get the Silky Girl. There are only 6 counters of beauty brand only on Matahari Delta Plaza Surabaya-Indonesia, but I was walking around almost in 30 minutes like they are hundred. It happened because I don't know what eyebrow product should I buy. Bad, bad habit. I should search for option product before shopping next time. Then I walked to Maybelline counter because they had promo buy 2 get 1. I definitely put my attention to their eyebrow pencil. Okay, maybe I should give it a try. I will share my thoughts about this product.
For natural looking brows. Creamy and super blendable. This brow pencil gives you the most natural looking brows ever! With the improved formula, you can now have lasting brows up to 12 hours.
1 x 1 x 13
For natural looking brows. Creamy and super blendable. This brow pencil gives you the most natural looking brows ever! With the improved formula, you can now have lasting brows up to 12 hours.
1 x 1 x 13
I had a bad experience with the automatic eyebrow. That's why I want to try the eyebrow product in pencil form. Of course it needs to resharpen. It has black color and brown on the tip to show the eyebrow color. It has a plastic cap to prevent the product drying. It came with a plastic wrap. Yeah! I was sure it was a new product. The detail is written on the plastic wrap.
I was searching for the eyebrow product which has no red hint. And this eyebrow pencil has a less red hint. It is quite natural when I applied it on my eyebrows. But the color is too light for my liking. My brow hair color is black and I feel weird when using light brown color on them. I prefer dark brown shade than light brown color. About the texture, it is great. It's not too creamy or too hard. The smudge proof and long lasting power are so-so. It fades out when I splash the water on my face, but it's not completely gone.
I combined the Maybelline Fashion Brow Cream Pencil with brown eyeshadow to make the color become darker and wearable.
- Cheap. Around IDR 30.000-35.000
- Easy to get
- Easy to use
- Not easy to break
- Has a cap to prevent the product drying
- the brown color is too light for my liking
- need to sharpen
- the smudge proof and long lasting power are so-so
I combine Maybelline Fashion Brow Cream Pencil with brown eyeshadow for my everyday eyebrow routine. Honestly, it takes times because I use 2 products for coloring my eyebrow. But I have to do it to get the right shade that I love. I hope Maybelline will create the darker shade soon. Considering to the texture, maybe I will repurchase this product again in the gray shade one. For the eyebrow product in IDR 30.000-35.000, I think it is very worth to try.
Have you tried this product? What do you think? If you haven't, would you try it? Let me know your opinion. Don't hesitate to share your thoughts in the comment section below. Thank for reading and see you on my next post!
Kayaknya Suhay pernah pake eyebrow ini ya, yang gray/dark gray gitu bagus warnanya keliatan natural buat warna bulu alis yang hitam. Kapan-kapan mau coba ah..
BalasHapusGadis.. itu kulit mulus amat si bikin gagal fokus wkwkwk
Iya di video one brand tutorial ya kalo ga salah? Sayangnya aku belinya jauh sebelum kak Suhay bikin video itu. Karena waktu itu aku ga biasa pakai yg gray aku jadi pilihnya yg brown. Setelah nyobain jadi pengen gray juga haha :P
HapusAhh ga mulus kok itu Iyka, kulitku penuh dengan imperfection. Apalagi sekarang breakout parahh XD
Aku beli product ini juga di indomaret deket rumah, dan memang mendingan red hintnya daripada merk sbelah hehe.
BalasHapusOh ya love your skin too.
Iya bener banget. Merk sebelah red hintnya keterlaluan. Ahahaha makasih ya Inez, semoga kulitku yang lagi bruntusan ini balik seperti semula :'D
HapusMakasih udah mampir yaa ^^
dibandingin sama viva bagus mana sis
Kalo aku sih lebih suka ini soalnya less red hint juga teksturnya ga terlalu creamy
HapusJadi pengen nyobain, siapa tau memang nggak semerah yang itu :)
BalasHapusIya ga semerah itu kok kak. Di aku merahnya lebih ke blonde :P
Hapuseyebrow product mu bnyk bgt dis, haha,
BalasHapuseh tp mnurut q warnanya bgus, cocok buat yg rambutnya diwarnain gitu ^^
Padahal ada 2 eyebrow product lagi yang baru beli n belum direview wkwk. Pengen yang gel juga.
HapusIya bener tuh say. Lebih cocok dipakai sama yang rambutnya diwarnain ^^
woooow your eyes are pretty <3
BalasHapusloved pencil, great review <3
Aww thank you so much, dear. And thank for stopping by ^^
HapusHas the Silkygirl Espert Brow Slim Liner reached Indonesia yet? Do try them out. They're amazing!
Hi, Hari! Meet you again here ^^
HapusI guess they hasn't reach Indonesia yet. I will try if they already in. Thank for the recommendation!
Pgn nyoba ini. Abisnya nggak keliatan merah gitu kyk viva. Tapi kayaknya coklatnya muda banget ya warnanya._.
BalasHapusBtw pake eyeliner apa kak? :)
Ga semuda itu sih realnya. Agak gelap lagi cuma masih ke light brown and less red-hint.
HapusAku pakai Silkygirl Big Eye Smokey Eyeliner + Smudger terus ditimpa eyeshadow purple-nya Sleek kalo ga salah.
Makasih sudah mampir ya Kania ^^
Hai Gadis ^^
BalasHapusliat eyebrow pencil ini... jadi keinget sama videonya suhay salim. dia suka banget pake maybelline tapi yang grey (kalo ga salah). hmm.. pensil alis favoritku masih fanbo sih sampe sekarang, cuma yang fanbo coklat lagi susah nemu dimana mana :(
Kata temenku juga kalau pensil alisnya Fanbo bagus. Tapi aku belum nyobain, stock pensil alis masih banyak :P
HapusWah mulai langka yah? Kayaknya aku pernah liat Fanbo di Hypermart deh..
Makasih udah mampir ya Sherly ^^