As a contact lenses lover, I never bored to try the lenses with new patterns and new colors. This time, Klenspop sent me the Neo Cosmo 3 Tone lenses in Brown color. For some people, including me, the contact lenses in brown color are boring because it looks like the natural eye color. But I changed my thought since I've tried these lenses. Let me show you why I love them a lot and how they look like.

14 mm
13.4 mm
8.6 mm
6 month

The box design is different than I got before. If you ever read my contact lenses reviews from Klenspop (here), the packaging is thinner and longer now. The design is different but cute as always. And it doesn't come with free cases and tweezers.
The lenses came in a couple of the clear glass bottle with the simple label design. The prescription is written on the cap with a background color which indicates the lens color. But it is not really accurate, though. It's more to dark yellow than brown.

The pattern is so unique. It looks like a sunflower. It has 3 colors which mean that the lenses will give a natural look. It has a soft limbal ring too. Therefore, these lenses only give a little enlargement effect without looking fake.

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Natural light. No Flash |
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With Flash |
The color is brown, but I guess it is more to hazel or honey color. Sometimes these lenses appear in soft green color. They blend nicely in my dark brown eyes. The color is intense and natural. Very stunning!
- Comfortable
- Gives a natural look
- Has an intense color
- Beautiful pattern
I always love 3 tone contact lenses. They really give me a natural look. The color makes me fall in love. I feel really comfortable when wearing them. They don't feel scratchy, itchy, or drying at all. I can see the world clearly without blurring. The Klenspop lenses never fail me. I have to say again that I’m in love with their lenses design and quality. I highly recommend you who want the semi-brown lenses to try.
Do you love these lenses too?
You can find them at Klenspop and insert the code below to get 10% discount.
You can find them at Klenspop and insert the code below to get 10% discount.
Website: klenspop.com
Use code R9LAF9SP for 10% Discount
This product was sponsored by Klenspop. All review is based on my honest opinion.
haii, nice review! soft lensnya bagus bangetttt warnanya sangat natural dan nggak kegedean juga. langsung menuju websitenya :D
BalasHapusXOXO, The Rainbow Days
Halo haloo.. Selamat main ke websitenya yaa. Makasih udah mampir ^^
Hapusak juga paling suka 3 tone lenses, krn biasanya bisa ngblend dn natural bgt dimata ^^ entah itu mau brown ato grey sekalipun XD
BalasHapusahhh dn yg ini cocok bgt dikamu, natural cantikkk bisa dipake buat daily lens. ak sukaaaa >3<
Bener tuh. Brown n grey emang ultimate natural lenses. Dan yeaaahhh ini daily lens yang sering kupake sekarang dan paling kusuka diantara daily lens yang lain :D
Hapusyes keliahtan natural cokelat nya berasa terang tapi gak norak.
Yap! Betul banget! :D
HapusMbak aku pingin mbaaak. :D cantik deh. ini yang km pake event itu kan. bling bling. XD
BalasHapusHuahaaha iya ini yang kupake event *wink*. Beli mbak~~~ :P
HapusMatanya cakep banget iiihhh... Natural ya hasilnya, selama ini pakai softlens dari lens girl awalnya sih natural tapi lama-lama malah agak aneh gitu (T___T)
Patternnya lens girl agak strong kali ya Alo? Cari yang 3 tone aja biar keliatan lebih natural :)
HapusNatural bgt warnanyaaa, sukak<3
Yap yap. Makasih udah mampir ya Christy ^^
Hapusfix terkecoh, pas liat foto ini di fb kirain mata asli. wkwk
BalasHapusYay Monic ketipu! Btw makasih loh ya udah dikirain mata asli. Wkwk :P
HapusYang ini kayak mata asli bangeeeeet omgggg..cantikk ^^
Iya Mba Put. Banyak yang ngira warna mata asliku begitu. Impianku punya mata hazel tercapai! Hehe :P