Hello again, everyone! This time I wanna share you about the latest skincare that I've tried. These days, I feel my skin looks dull and dry. Not only my face, but my body as well. When Althea released their beauty box called "VITAMIN BOX", I was so excited. Moreover, Althea has a campaign with Surabaya Beauty Blogger and I'm one of bloggers who lucky to try the Vitamin Box. Woohoo ! Thank you so much Althea Korea and Surabaya Beauty Blogger!
ALTHEA VITAMIN BOX is designed to give nutrients for skin which all the products inside contains various vitamin that very good for skin . The Vitamin Box came with 7 products. There are Mizon Vita Lemon Calming Cream, Petitfree Oil Blossom Lip Mask, az a;t Fox Gyoolpy Tea Fresh Mist, Gwa Il Na Ra Banana Body Cleanser, The Saem Max Perfection Firming Multi Cleanser, Holika Holika 3 Seconds Booster Vita Complex, and Let Me Skin Ultra H2O Modeling Pack. Now, let's jump into the first impession and short review.

MIZON Vita Lemon Calming Cream

This skin-calming cream rich in Vitamin C recharges energy to your skin and helps it to be stabilized.
Lemon Peel Oil
Lemon contains Vitamin A, B, CO. It maintains skin elasticity and controls moisture-oil balance.
With its high amount of Vitamin C, a calming cream leaves skin soft and firming
This is a calming cream product which I use as a night moisturizer. It has the lemon scent that I love so much. The scent is a bit strong but bearable. It smells like the lime juice. The gel texture moistens the skin without feeling sticky at all that combination-oily skin would love. It gives a radiance and plump skin in the morning.
Ini adalah krim yang berfungsi untuk menenangkan kulit yang kugunakan sebagai pelembab malam. Produk ini memiliki bau lemon yang aku suka. Cukup kuat tapi masih bisa ditahan. Aku ga masalah dengan baunya karena baunya seperti es jeruk nipis. Teksturnya berupa gel yang melembabkan tanpa rasa lengket sama sekali. Cocok banget deh buat kulit kombinasi-oily yang ga suka produk lengket. Paginya kulitku terlihat cerah dan kenyal.

Vitamin E oil complex forms a protective layer to your lips. Rejuvenate dry, chapped lips through overnight.
Vitamin E & Shea Butter
The packaging looks very luxurious. Its glass made packaging is heavy enough to bring for traveling. I use it on my night care routine to get moist lips in the morning.
Kemasannya terlihat mahal dan terbuat dari kaca dan cukup berat untuk dibawa travelling. Aku menggunakan produk ini di runititas skincare sebelum tidur untuk mendapatkan bibir lembab di pagi hari.

Infused with Vitamin E, Tangerine peel extract recharges energy to your skin for youthful and healthy skin
I use this mist if I'm too lazy putting my toner in a cotton pad. I spray the product several times to the face and neck. It's very moisturizing and feels like a hydrating toner. The spray can spray the water in a small particle.

Rich in Vitamin B, Banana Extract, and Royal Jelly creates a sweet harmony to give life back to tired skin.
I'm in love with this banana milk body cleanser. It has a sweet scent like the banana milk candy. The packaging is very big and bulky. The pump is big and easy to press and the texture of the cleanser is liquid and runny. The most thing I love about this product, it moistens the skin with no slippery feeling when it rinsed off. Love this body cleanser!
Aku jatuh cinta sama Banana Milk Body Cleanser ini . Baunya manis seperti permen susu pisang. Kemasannya besar banget . Pompanya besar dan mudah untuk ditekan. Bentuk pompa yang besar itu mempermudah untuk menekannya. Tekstur sabunnya cair . Yang paling aku suka dengan produk ini adalah terasa melembabkan tapi ga licin sama sekali. suka banget .

The Saem Max Perfection Firming Multi Cleanser

Rich in Vitamin B and D, Truffles Extract prevent dryness with naturally derived ingredients.
The oil-to-foam cleanser removes heavy makeup at once. Protect your skin with vitamin-rich formula.
I'm very picky when choosing a facial wash. I have a combination skin which is white heads and acne can appear if I use a wrong facial wash. I used to use a less foam facial wash. When I try this cleanser at the first time, I fall in love with its oily-liquid texture. It almost has no foam. The cleanser cleanses the dirt and moistens my skin with no tight or oily feeling. The packaging looks expensive with a pump that takes out a precise amount of product.
Aku pemilih banget kalau urusan sabun wajah. Kulitku kombinasi yang gampang banget muncul jerawat dan whiteheads kalau salah pakai sabun wajah. Aku biasanya pakai produk yang teksturnya sedikit banget atau hampir ga mengandung busa. Aku jatuh cinta sama teksturnya yang cair seperti minyak dan hampir tidak ada busa yang muncul. Produk ini membersihkan kotoran dan melembabkan kulit tanpa rasa ketarik ataupun berminyak. Kemasan face wash ini kelihatan mewah dengan pump yang memudahkan banget untuk mengeluarkan isinya dalam takaran yang pas.

Holika Holika 3 Seconds Booster Vita Complex

3-seconds-starter with Vitamin C for brightening & hydrating effect.Apply in 3 seconds for brighter, clearer complexion.
This one is a toner product. It only needs 3 seconds to give the skin extra hydration. The packaging is big enough for a toner. The pump is very unique, but it feels hard to press. I need to put a cotton pad right into the pump hole to make the liquid not sprayed everywhere. Besides, I love how it moistens the skin without feeling oily or sticky. I use this product when my skin feels very dry and needs an extra hydration.
Produk ini lebih seperti toner. Cuma butuh 3 detik untuk memberi kelembaban ekstra di kulit. Kemasannya cukup besar untuk sebuah toner dan pumpnya sangat unik tapi terasa agak susah ditekan. Aku harus meletakkannya kapas di lubang pompanya biar cairannya ga muncrat (menyembur) kemana-mana. Disamping itu, aku suka rasa lembabnya tanpa terasa berminyak atau lengket, Aku pakai ini kalau kulitku terasa kering banget dan butuh kelembaban ekstra.

Let Me Skin Ultra H2O Modeling Pack

Infused with Vitamin D and K, this green peel-off mask relaxes irritated, sensitive, and troubled skin. Its gel texture leaves skin moisturized, nourished, and protected from environmental factors for a longer time.
This is the most exciting one among Vitamin Box's products. It's a mask which is packaged in a capsule model! Very cute! There are 2 mask types (2 sheets each) and a spatula inside. The jelly texture mask (type 1) and the liquid texture mask (type 2) need to pour and stir together in the capsule model before use. The mask is cooling the skin. After 30 minutes, the texture turns into a solid jelly and ready to peel off. My skin feels very hydrated after using this mask. Perfectly in love with it!
Produk ini yang paling menarik dan paling besar diantara produk yang lain. Masker ini dikemas dalam wadah berbentuk kapsul! Cute banget! Di dalamnya ada 2 macam masker masing-masing 2 lembar dan sebuah spatula. Teksturnya mirip jelly (type 1) dan cair (type 2) yang harus dicampur dan diaduk didalam wadah kapsul sebelum digunakan. Sewaktu digunakan maskerya terasa sejuk di kulit. Masker ini berubah menjadi jelly padat setelah 30 menit dan siap untuk dilepas. Kulitku terasa sangat lembab setelah menggunakan masker ini. Suka banget!
This is my first impression and mini review about ALTHEA VITAMIN BOX. The box is affordable (below IDR 400.000) and you get 7 products that are very worth to try. This box is in limited edition, but you can buy it separately at Althea Website.
Itu dia kesan dan review singkatku tentang ALTHEA VITAMIN BOX. Box ini sangat terjangkau (Aku lupa harganya, yang jelas dibawah IDR 400.000) dan kamu bisa dapat 7 produk yang sangat layak untuk dicoba. Box ini edisi terbatas, tapi kamu bisa beli produk terpisah di Althea.
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Get IDR 70.000 discount for new customers. Minimum purchase IDR 600.000
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What do you think about Althea Vitamin Box? Have you tried it? Let me know your thoughts in the comment section below. Thank you for reading and see you on the next post! ^^
wahh lengkap ya ada dari sabun sampe masker >.< yang kapsul itu cute poolll aaaa
Gemes pol Jess. Bikin seger mata pas liat meja rias :3
HapusBentuk kapsul itu super cute dan bikin penasaran tapi harganya cukup pricey :(
Ntar kureview terpisah biar ga penasaran :D
Hapusitu tolong ya, kapsulnya lucu banggggeeettt
BalasHapustrus enak banget liatnya, cerah ceria gitu *0*
Bikin semua pecinta packaging lucu nangis-nangis pengen punya ya wkwkwkw XD
Hapuswihh lengkap yahh, aku gemes sama yg bentuk kapsul itu hihi
Semua gemes sama si kapsul. Menantikan inovasi packaging berbentuk kaplet :P
Hapuspackagingnyaa super duper kewwwllllll! lucu banget dan unik! hahahha jadi pengen beli. #korbanpackaging
Ayoo beliii! Beliiiii! *ngeracun XD
HapusPaling gemesh sama yg bentuknya kapsul.
Gemash banget ya vin, padahal kalo kapsul asli mah benci XD
HapusGede-gede banget size e yaa, enak lek buat perawatan awet jadi lebih maksimal perawatan e xD
BalasHapusTuwuk yen :P
HapusCongratulations, this is very nice box:) These cosmetics look so awesome :D Currently I'm not into Korean brands, but I must try some of them. I heard that Korean skin care cosmetics are the best :D
BalasHapusOf course you should try Korean beauty products! Their skincare is the best.