10 Apr 2018

Review - Esqido Lashes (Radiance) & Companion Eyelash Glue

Esqido Review


Hi, guys! This time I want to share about false eyelashes. A few days ago, I was sent a pair of false eyelashes and glue from Esqido. Esqido eyelashes is an e-commerce company based in the United Kingdom that selling false eyelashes. This brand may still be rarely heard in Indonesia. But overseas, they are very well known. Esqido products are often used by public figures such as Rihanna, Gigi Hadid, and much more. Many Youtubers also wear them, like Jaclyn Hill, Jenn Im, Jen fromheadtotoe, etc. Esqido has even been featured in ELLE and Marie Claire. See their high achievement, I became very curious about their products. So do you right? So please keep reading.

Hai temen-temen! Kali ini aku mau share tentang bulu mata palsu nih. Beberapa waktu lalu aku dikirimin sepasang bulu mata palsu beserta lemnya dari Esqido. Esqido Lashes merupakan e-commerce fake lashes yang basednya di UK. Mungkin di Indonesia brand ini masih jarang terdengar. Tapi di luar negeri, brand ini terkenal banget. Produk-produk Esqido sering dipakai public figure seperti Rihanna, Gigi Hadid, dan masih banyak lagi. Para Youtuber juga banyak yang pakai, seperti Jaclyn Hill, Jenn Im, Jen fromheadtotoe, dll. Bahkan Esqido sempat difeatured di ELLE dan Marie Claire. Melihat pencapaiannya yang tinggi dan sering dipakai A-list seleb, jadi makin penasaran dong sama penampakan dan kualitas produknya? Keep reading ya!

Esqido Lashes
Esqido Lashes
Esqido Lashes

Let your eyes shine bright with this radiant pair of mink lashes, designed to make your eyes look bigger and lifted, with its winged out and criss-cross pattern. This pair is similar in shape to our Unforgettable, and similar in pattern to our Oh So Sweet, offering the best of both styles.

The ultimate in luxury, our mink lashes meticulously handcrafted with premium mink hairs, and a soft cotton band. Discover our collection of beautiful styles you can wear again and again, suitable for any occasion.


5 - 10 mm

Premium Mink Hair

Handcrafted cotton band


$ 29.00

Esqido Lashes
Esqido Lashes Radiance
The packaging comes with doff plastic wrapping. The material of the box itself is from the thick carton. The design is simple and dominant in white and rose gold color which feels so premium. The packaging also has been accompanied by the lid magnet.

Kemasan Esqido lashes datang dengan plastik mika doff sebagai sampul kotaknya. Bahan kotaknya sendiri dari karton tebal dan rapi. Kalau ngomongin desain, kotaknya kelihatan simpel yang didominasi warna putih dan rose gold. Bener-bener kelihatan premium kan? Oya, kotaknya sudah ada magnetnya juga loh.

Esqido Lashes Radiance Review
Esqido Eyelash in Radiance model has a natural looking. The lash length is shorter on the inside and longer on the outside. The thickness of the eyelashes is good. The arrangement of the lash is pretty neat and balanced. Its band is in black color and flat-shaped so it helps to sit on the top of the skin.

Esqido Lashes tipe Radiance ini modelnya natural, dengan bagian dalam lebih pendek dan semakin memanjang di bagian luar. Ketebalan bulu matanya sedang dan nggak lebay. Penataan bulu matanya juga sangat rapi dan seimbang. Bulu mata tipe ini bandnya warna hitam dan bentuknya pipih nih temen-temen, jadi membantu bulmat palsunya lebih konstan "duduk" diatas kulit dan nggak geser-geser ataupun mencuat seenak jidat terutama kalau nggak sengaja keterpa angin. 

Esqido Glue Review
Esqido Glue

Introducing ESQIDO Companion, our invisible eyelash glue with strong all day hold. Specially formulated for mink lashes and latex-free, it's a gentle mixture that extends the life of your lashes. With a fine tip wand, you'll be able to apply the right amount of glue to your false lashes, every time. Suitable for any type of false eyelashes.

Dries Clear

Precision Bristle Tip

Acrylates/Ethylhexyl Acrylate copolymer, water.
(Formaldehyde Free and Latex Free)

5.5 ml / 0.18 fl oz

1 year after opening

Do not freeze. Store in room temperature.

$ 10.00

Esqido Glue Review
Who initially thought that it was liquid lipstick? The packaging is so beautiful right? It has a tip-applicator so don't worry you will mess it up. The quality of the glue is very good. It has no scent and can hold eyelashes in quite a long time. Sometimes I have to re-apply the glue in the corner that started off, but it doesn't matter. This glue is latex-free so you won't be struggling with stickiness when you clean up the residue.

Siapa yang awalnya pas lihat foto ini ngiranya malah liquid lipstick? Kemasannya cantik kan? Karena model kemasannya gitu, dia disertai aplikator yang ujungnya lancip jadi nggak perlu takut berantakan saat pengaplikasian. Lemnya sendiri cukup oke, nggak berbau dan overall bisa menahan bulu mata dengan baik. Paling cuma ujung-ujungnya yang perlu ditambah kalau emang mulai lepas. Lem ini latex-free loh, jadi waktu dibersihkan residunya nggak lengket-lengket. 

Esqido Lashes Radiance
As you guys can see at the picture above, the lashes give a natural looking. Because it was too natural, I realize that the shape is not clearly visible when eyes open. It's can be seen clearly while eyes closed. The lash band is in black color and helps to create the illusion of eyeliner. So you don't need to re-apply your eyeliner on it. Instead of color, the thing that I most impressed with is its shape. It makes the lashes sitting well on the eyelids. If you can adjust your eyelashes for up or down in a normal form, the flat shape will help the form steady. The application is also very easy for the user even though still a beginner. The eyelashes feel light and comfortable as well.

Seperti yang kalian lihat difoto diatas, penataan bulu matanya rapi dan tipe Radiance ini kesannya natural banget. Saking naturalnya, waktu buka mata hampir nggak kelihatan kalau lagi pakai bulu mata. Kelihatannya pas lagi nutup mata tapi tetep natural. Bulmatnya juga terasa ringan dan nyaman. Nah, seperti yang aku bilang sebelumnya, band bulu mata ini warnanya hitam dan bentuknya pipih. Lash and warna hitam ini membantu banget buat jadi ilusi eyeliner. Jadi boleh aja nggak ditindas lagi pakai eyeliner setelah nempelin bulu mata. Dibanding warna lash band, yang paling buat aku terkesan itu bentuk. Bentuk lash band yang pipih ini buat si fake lashes "duduk" di eyelid. Kalau bentuk lash bandnya "gilig" (silinder memanjang), bentuk bulmatnya bisa disesuaikan mau lebih naik atau turun kan, Nah kalau pipih bentuk bulu matanya bakal tetap seperti itu. Mau dielus-elus biar bulmatnya kelihatan naik atau turun tetep aja bentuknya begitu. Karena bentuk lash band juga, pemasangannya jadi sangat memudahkan pengguna walaupun masih pemula. 

Esqido Lashes Radiance Review


+ Natural looking
+ Great quality mink lashes
+ Lightweight
+ Beautiful packaging

+ Gorgeous packaging
+ Latex Free
+ Has an applicator
+ Easy to apply

The shipment was very fast. I received the package around 10 days of approximately 4-15 days for International shipping. I don't have to pay customs fees. The package is packed in a bubble envelope/bubble mailer and it arrived in good condition. For international shipping, you can get free shipping on orders over $75, or $5 flat-rate.

Pengirimannya cepet banget. Aku terima paketnya kira-kira 10 hari dari estimasi 4-15 hari untuk pengiriman International. Aku juga nggak kena biaya bea cukai lagi. Paketnya dikemas di kemasan amplop bubble dan kondisi barangnya tetep bagus. Untuk International shipping, kalian bisa dapet FREE SHIPPING for orders over $75, or $5 flat-rate. 




So guys, have you tried Esqido Lashes or the glue? What do you think about these products?
Share your thoughts in the comment section below. Thank for reading and see you in the next post!

14 komentar:

  1. Beb, ini fake lashesnya tampak premium banget. Dari lemnya aja wow gitu packagingnya! Hasilnya juga bagus di mata kamu!

  2. Ini sepertinya packaging bulmat palsu dan lemnya yang termewah yg pernah aku liat deh. Tulang fake eyelashesnya sekilas kilahatan tebal ya. Tapi begitu kamu pake, kelihatan tancepnya mantap deh. #kbbvmember

  3. waaaa pengen banget lashes dari esqido,, kalo beli dari luar bayarnya gmn kak #kbbvmember

  4. Salfok sama hasilnya. Packagingnya oke banget dan premium. Suka dengan brand yang kayak gini. #kbbvmember

  5. Wah bagus banget, sayang mungkin agak susah dicari ya #kbbvmember

  6. iya fancy abis sih, look so natural ya #kbbvmember

  7. Mengingatkanku akan produk bulu mata palsu jenis mink ya. Apalagi kemasannya yang mevvah banget sis! #KBBVmember

    FIA - fiarevenian.com

  8. hua harganya mahal ya kak, padahal menarik, cocok banget di kak Gadis ^^

  9. bulu matanya bagus banget tapi lumayan mahal ya kak ^^; #kbbvmember

  10. Cantik bangeet sumpahhhh.. mulai dari packaging sampe kepemakaiannya 😍😍😍 omgggg

    Ada harga ada kualitas ya. Why in dollar 😂😂😂


  11. Salfok sama packagingnya sih, gak heran kalau mahal juga bagus 😍 #kbbvmember

  12. Wah packagingnya, dan bulu matanya keliatan natural banget :o , tapi mungkin belinya agak ribet gak si?


  13. waaah, packagingnya mewah banget, ternyata harganya juga agak mahal ya hahahaaa dalam dollar pula :( tapi ada harga ada rupa sih ya :) kelihatan natural pas udah dipakai :) #kbbvmember

  14. Ini packaging nya baguus bener yaa.. kaya premium gitu.. cuma ribeet ya pengiriman dr luar negeri beb wkwkwk



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